I must admit...to start off with, I knew absolutely squat about what a marriage celebrant was, or the process that takes place. I guess the most important thing to remember is that all ceremonies legally require certain vows to be said and important paperwork to be lodged. Your celebrant should include the lodging of all legal documentation in the cost of their service.
The Notice of Intended Marriage needs to be completed no later than 1 month and 1 day before your wedding, and no earlier than 18 months prior to your wedding. Evidence of your identity and age will need to be sighted by your celebrant once the Notice of Intended Marriage is submitted and before the wedding date.
The best thing about the Marriage Celebrant is that every ceremony will be unique. You have the choice to incorporate your own vows and readings so it reflects you and your partners personalities.
From a lot of research the average price of a celebrant these days ranges from between $400-$600 and can include many extras like rose petals, and their own PA system. Be sure to check what is included in the price. The little extras can make a big difference to the ceremony.
Luckily on my partners side of the family their is a celebrant. She is absolutely wonderful and very very helpful. I guess something else for you to keep in mind...make sure you get a long and are comfortable with the celebrant. They will need to get to know you through various meetings so they can reflect the ceremony on your personalities!
Best of Luck!