Sorry I have been absent for the last few weeks, things have been pretty crazy and I have been very slack in the blog department. I thought that I would catch everyone up on the incident that happened 2 days before the wedding. I had been keeping in contact with them for the most part of the last 6 months, updating info, multiple confirmations, and even called them two weeks prior to the wedding to confirm that everything was good to go, in which their response was yes, all good to go, the photographer will call you a week out from the wedding to discuss everything!
So at the end of the week prior to the wedding I still hadn't heard anything, but with all of the public holiday's I gave them a bit of a break. I still hadn't heard anything on the Wednesday before the wedding and thought, I really need to give them a call. The one thing I really didn't want to hear them say on the phone was, sorry who are you and when is your wedding????? Can I please get your details and call you back.....WHAT THE?? At this point I started to freak out. There wasn't too many options 2 days out from the wedding. So for the next 20 minutes...or what felt like hours, I waiting by my mobile. When it finally rang, I picked it up so fast! Apparently human error was the cause for the mistake. Someone had apparently forgot to forward our booking sheet on the photographer.....but luckily the photographer was still available and was happy to do our wedding for us. I guess I wasn't very impressed at this stage considering the number of follow up calls I made, but I guess we are all human and mistakes can me made.
The moral of the story is to make sure you confirm with all of your suppliers/vendors well in advance, and even give them a courtesy call during the week leading up to your wedding. One can never be too careful. Needless to say, we were wrapped with the wedding photos, and in the end everything worked out!