The evening started with multiple wardrobe changes, and I eventually settled on something acceptable to wear. Due to the fact it took way too long to get ready and road works at SouthBank we were slightly late....but it's my night right? I can be a widdle bit late! Everyone was eagerly waiting for dinner so as soon as we arrived we got stuck right in! Thank you so much to an anonymous friend, you know who you are ;) for the addition of a few bottles of vino...I completely forgot it would be BYO!!!! Just before dinner was served our Ghost Host jumped into a few freaky stories and a run down of what he had in store for our evening. Dinner was served - which was slightly disappointing, serving size wise, but none the less it was FOOD! As we sipped on vino through novelty penis straws, we eagerly awaited the start of our tour. My genius sister had organised for a professional photographer from Get A Night Life to take some snaps for us, which was the best $200 we..I mean she....ever spent!! We have amazing photos from the tour and he even met up with us at the after party at the Fringe Bar later on in the evening!
The Ghost tour commenced with a Nun freaking the absolute bajeesus out of us, and we listened intently to the stories of a few people who had been buried in the cemetery including numerous criminals who spent a bit of time a Boggo Road Jail. It wasn't as "hard core" freaky as I was hoping, but it was most definitely interesting to listen to all of the different stories...it did get colder at certain spots in the cemetery......could be the weather...could be some paranormal activity action....i'll let you be the judge!
Once the Ghost Tour finished the really messy stuff commenced. We had a private area booked at the Fringe Bar in the Valley, plus a generous bar tab courtesy of my bridesmaid! Copious amounts of alcohol was consumed.....With our flashing sashes and my trashy veil on we hit the dance floor...which may or may not have been a good idea. I do remember a certain encounter where it was a Bride/Bridesmaid sandwich...with the chant "F&^% the Bride" being yelled. Many a men took the opportunity to grab my ass and present me with many kisses on the cheek, including one gentleman in a blue suit who tried very hard to take it a little further.........he did remind me of Adam Sandler though. There are far too many stories to share here.....
Anyways....the night finished off with numerous pieces of New York Slice (I even remember our order - 2 14's 1 10....the pizza flavours are numbered for those of you who have never frequented a New York Slice completely shit faced....I guess it makes it easier to read.......Whilst eating our pizza, a busker serenade me with their take on the Wedding March......I guess he thought he would get a nice tip......he did....in my excitement...I accidentally tipped him a 10er......dang.....we were all in bed by 3.00am..........
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